Dear Parents,
"Everything is going to be fine in the end. If it's not fine it's not the end." If I could slightly amend Oscar Wilde's maxim by saying that it is the end, and that's fine. Another school year nearly done and I am filled with thanksgiving for the graces Our Lord has bestowed upon the SMCC community.
I appreciate the cycle of beginning and end before another new beginning that is gifted to us by the nature of each school year. It affords the chance to recuperate and a second chance at a reset if the end could not arrive soon enough.
While there are no departures among staff members, Fr Murphy's impending move to Wagga Wagga marks the end of an era for our school and the Lavington parish.
Fr Murphy is a popular teacher among the students who have him for weekly catechesis. In addition to Father's mastery of his subject, students benefit from the seemingly endless stories and wise doctrinal applications accrued from long and rich experience. We will miss Fr Murphy's constancy, loyalty and faithful priestly ministry. Father will be fittingly farewelled at the Presentation Night.
I am particularly grateful to the teachers and support staff who make the day-to-day a powerfully formative experience for students through the witness of their own faith and practice.
And thank you for your support throughout the year. I would like to wish you a joy filled Advent in anticipation of the birth of Our Lord, and a peaceful, happy and holy Christmastide.
Warm regards,
Ian Smith